Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Ahlespiess

A polearm common to German-speaking areas, particularly used by the Swiss and Habsburgs: the wooden shaft is relatively short, and the weapon is equipped with a long square rod that is sharpened at the end for thrusting. It could be used either to stab, or, if caught out of a close formation, as an effective anti-armor club.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Bellows Visor
A modern term for a visor with horizontal ridges,such as on 'Maximilian' German fluted armours of the early…
Cut-and-Thrust Sword
Quite thin, tapered sword with compound hilts suitable for fingered grip.
See Pollaxe.
Wooden Roman throwing stick with a spiked head; attached to user's arm with a strap which enabled it to be retrieved after it had been thrown.

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