Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Burgonet

A light, open-faced helmet popular in the sixteenth century as an alternative to the close-helmet for light cavalry. It was usually furnished with a peak over the brow, a combed skull, and hinged ear-pieces. The face opening could be closed by the addition of a falling buffe.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Called tuck in English. Long, pointed and rigid longsword with a triangular or square blade, which was quite blunt.…
Also saex. Long and heavy single-edged knife prefered by the Nordic peoples. Saxes could up to 3 ft in length, and hilted like …
See Small-Sword.
Great bascinet
Late 14th early 15th century version of the bascinet where the mail aventail was replaced with two steel plates, one in the front and one in back.

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