Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Jerkin

1. a short, close-fitting coat or jacket, often sleeveless, worn in the 16th and 17th centuries 2. a short, sleeveless vest worn by women and girls

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Frankish and Anglo-Saxon throwing spear. Has a long (6 ft) thin iron neck with a barbed head. Almost indentical to the Roman…
A horizontal bow set at 90 degrees to the tiller and spanned by mechanical means. Originally made of horn, wood, and sinew, the bowstave was later…
Also called schynbald or jamber. Plate defence for the leg from knee to ankle, initially pro­tecting only the front, but…
Special type of a polearm. Its blade is wide, long (2-2.5 ft) and sword-like and is also double- edged with lugs on its bottom.…

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