Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Ox-tongue spear

Also called the Langdebeve and Langue de Boeve (both mean tongue of the ox). The ox-tongue spear was a polearm weapon common among the Swiss and French from the 15th to the 17th centuries. It had a long double-bladed head and was named for its resemblance to the tongue of an ox. While it was named a spear, it was a polearm weapon. The ox-tongue design developed into the partisan polearm by the mid 16th century.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

A broad-bladed, single-edged polearm. Mostly an 18” butcher-knife on a 6 - 7’ pole.
Two-handed sword of the 15th century.
Recurve bow
Unlike the longbow, the ends of an unstrung recurve bow are curved away from the archer. This allows the strung bow to be more powerful and shorter…
Throwing javelin of the late empire.

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