Special Offers 2009

Special offers introduced for the year 2009

For the year 2009 we have prepared special deals for our current customers as well as for new ones. Please do not hasitate to visit this site frequently to make yourself sure, you have not missed a special sword, value pack or a SALE.

To improve the chance you get informed about all these great deals we will be sending emails with our offers to all our customers. If you do not get the "Newsletter", please send us an email and we will add you to the database (and vice versa).

For Three Brothers,

Viktor Kristof

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Bec de Faucon
Polearm with a large hammer head instead of an axe, and backed with a spike or curved fluke. Usually has a heavy steel…
Special (Renaissance) term for the upper, weaker part of a blade. Does most of the attacking for its speed and nimbleness.
Poor coat from layered fabric or leather will little plates inserted and stitched between the layers.
Metal strips attached to the the shaft of a polearm to reinforce the torque of its head, and to protect the joint connecting the head and…

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