Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Footman's lance

The footman's lance was essentially a spear used solely for thrusting. Generally, lances were considered to be a cavalry weapon but foot soldiers used a smaller version of them during the iron age throughout the known world. The main difference between a spear-proper and a footman's lance is that spears were often designed such that the spear tip broke off upon impact with the target. Lances, conversely, were designed such that the tip would not break off in the hands of the wielder. Other than that, though, a footman's lance is a spear.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Also cronel. Crown-shaped lance head used for jousts of peace.
Also called pair of curates. Full-coverage, plate body- armor. Consists of breastplate, backplate, and sometimes …
See Partisan.
Sword with a deer horn hilt and no guard.

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