Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Gada

A gaff was and still is a hand-held metal hook with a sharp tip used to latch onto an object, usually for the purposes of moving it. Most commonly, a gaff was a meathook used in pairs by butchers to move large slabs of meat. Farmers have also used gaffs in pairs to move bales of hay. Fishermen used a gaff attached to a long pole to help lift heavy catches from the water.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

A horizontal bow set at 90 degrees to the tiller and spanned by mechanical means. Originally made of horn, wood, and sinew, the bowstave was later…
Jointed weapon consisting of a spiked, flanged or knobbed steel bludgeon chain-attached to a short wood or steel haft.
Hauberk ending between crotch and the middle of the wearer’s thigh. Has a sharp dagger-like hem.
Archer’s weapon for launching arrows. Draws 30-36 inches and ranges over 300 yards. Very effective vs. unarmed enemies.

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