Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Arquebus

Also called Harquebus, Hackbut or Hagbush. A short gun used by infantry throughout the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries; the butt was sometimes curved so that when levelled it rested against the chest instead of the shoulder.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Helmet which, with a full visor and bevor, com­pletely encloses the head and face; modern use of the term tends to refer…
Weapon which improved effectivity vs. heavy armor. Has a wide, short axe attached to a 5-6 ft haft and a sharp spear at…
Also Bec de Faucon, Pollaxe (misnomer) or Polaxe. Two basic forms – First one has an axe-shaped edged…
Battering Ram
A Battering Ram is a large chunk of wood used to knock down castle walls in the Medieval era. With the weight of at least four men behind it, this…

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