Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Close-helmet

Helmet which, with a full visor and bevor, com­pletely encloses the head and face; modern use of the term tends to refer not to helmets with hinged cheek-pieces opening at the front (the armet) but visored helmets pivoting open on bolts or rivets each side of the skull. Contempor-garment with a number of large plates riveted inside, worn in the fourteenth century.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Kidney dagger
See ballock dagger.
Articulated, steel armor protecting the foot. Sometimes called solleret by the French.
Arming doublet
Quilted garment worn under armour from the early fifteenth century, equipped with points to attach mail gussets and pieces of armour.
Fighting adze of hardwood, had a stone point fixed with resin on the head.

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