Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Damascening

Also called inlay. A process used for the decoration of metal surfaces; usually silver or gold onto iron or steel. 'True' damascening is a form of inlay wherein grooves or channels are cut in the surface to be decorated and the softer metal forming such decoration is hammered into them, usually as a wire. See also counterfeit damascening.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Slow match
A slow-burning cord of hemp or flax soaked in salt­petre and then dried. Used to ignite cannon and hand guns.
The Akinakes was a characteristic Persian sidearm. It was short in length but could be used for both cut and thrust. It is of Scythian origin,…
Curved steel Indian sword with a gilt handle.
(wagoner's axe) battle axe used in the 15th century; socketed steel head is fitted to a wooden haft.

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