Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Damascening

Also called inlay. A process used for the decoration of metal surfaces; usually silver or gold onto iron or steel. 'True' damascening is a form of inlay wherein grooves or channels are cut in the surface to be decorated and the softer metal forming such decoration is hammered into them, usually as a wire. See also counterfeit damascening.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Also called pair of curates. Full-coverage, plate body- armor. Consists of breastplate, backplate, and sometimes …
Mitten gauntlet
A gauntlet with articulated transverse lames cover­ing the fingers, rather than the fingers each being separately pro­tected by a series of…
The part of a helmet cover­ing the top, back and the sides of the head above the ears. It can also denote a simple metal cap.
Sickle consisting of a tanged steel head fitted into a wooden handle; fighting style often utilizes two kamas, one in each hand.

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