Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Greave

Also called schynbald or jamber. Plate defence for the leg from knee to ankle, initially pro­tecting only the front, but later the whole lower leg. Constructed of two plates hinged together and shaped to the contours of the mus­cle. Schynbald and jamber are used in connection with the earlier type.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Mortuary sword
See Backsword.
Y-shaped metal goads strapped to the heel, used to drive the horse on. Dating from early antiquity. Early medieval spurs were of simple prick type;…
Also saex. Long and heavy single-edged knife prefered by the Nordic peoples. Saxes could up to 3 ft in length, and hilted like …
An English term for the reinforcing brow-piece on a helmet such as the sallet.

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