Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Nut

Round pivoted component retained within the stock (tiller) of a crossbow to take the string. It is usually made of solid ivory or stag-horn, and retains the cross-bow string under tension once the latter is drawn back ready to use. When the nut is released by the trigger or trigger-lever, the string is then freed, shooting the bow.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Alsocalled berdiche. A pollaxe with a long, slightly curved blade, principally used in north-eastern Europe.
Lance rest
A support for the lance when couched; this was bolted to the right side of the breastplate and was often hinged.
Axe-like tool/weapon used by legionnaires; socketed head attached to a wooden handle.
Bronze, brass, or latten staples that attached to a bascinet to enable the leather cuff of an aventail to be secured to the helmet.

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