Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Pollaxe

(The preferred spelling to polaxe or poleaxe). A knightly staff weapon, its head being an axehead, usually balanced by a fluke or hammerhead, and sur­mounted by a steel spike. The shaft was protected by steel cheeks and the hand by a steel rondel. Used from the fifteenth century for foot combats and for war. The compo­nent 'pole' in the name refers not to the staff, but the Old English word 'poll' (head). See also Hache

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Also called barbute, barbuta. An open-faced shoulder-length Italian helmet, made in one piece, with a T-shaped face…
See Cross.
Opposite of a fuller. Makes a sword more rigid yet with a flixible spine.
Small, more flat wooden shield covered with leather or metal-trimmed, later all- steel.

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