Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Mitten gauntlet

A gauntlet with articulated transverse lames cover­ing the fingers, rather than the fingers each being separately pro­tected by a series of articulated plates. See also gauntlet.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Compound-Hilt & Complex-Guard
Term for the many forms of hilts in Renaissance and on some late-Medieval swords. Ususally consist of finger-rings,…
Special type of a polearm. Its blade is wide, long (2-2.5 ft) and sword-like and is also double- edged with lugs on its bottom.…
Also occularium. Part in the visor right infront of the wearer’s eyes.
Two-handed sword
Also slaughtersword. Special and long (5.5-6 ft) type of a great sword with a very long grip compared to its …

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