Encyclopedia of historical weapons

Welcome to the Encyclopedia of Historical Weapons.
Our unique Encyclopedia will provide you with comprehensive guidance to the terminology of historical weapons, armour, battlefield equipment and warfare in general. The Encyclopedia has been compiled by experts with both theoretical knowledge and hands-on weapon-making experience, gathered over many years. You are welcome to browse our website for their excellent products, available for immediate on-line purchase. Your armourlonline.com Team Further information, queries and ideas: info@armouronline.com

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Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Class of siege engines designed to throw spears and heavy bolts.
Kidney dagger
See ballock dagger.
Lucerne hammer
A staff weapon with a hammer-head balanced by a fluke, popular with Swiss infantry in both the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Studded and Splinted Armor
Heavy fabric or leather with the filling of rigid materials riveted in plates or strips.

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