Armour [Armor]

Armour plates
Armour plates
CZ-01.01 - CZ-10.03
Breast plates
Breast plates
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Complete armour
Complete armour
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RU-02.01 - RU-06.04
Horse head plate
Horse head plate
HP-01.01 - HP-01.02
Light-alloy Regalia
Light-alloy Regalia
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Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Helmet with (usually) a hinged visor and a long tail for protecting the back of the neck. Comes in many forms. In England known as a …
Overlapping plates covering the joint of the haunch part in a full- armor.
War hammer
Also called martel and horseman's pick. A short-hafted hammer used mainly in the late fifteenth and sixteenth cen­turies…
Sword with a curved blade and padded hilt; often highly decorated.

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