Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Baculus

In terms of semantics, a baculus is defined as a staff, especially one that symbolizes authority. The term baculus, or baculum, is Latin for staff. Used in combat throughout Europe until well after the middle ages, the baculus was a heavy, hardwood club with a knotty head used for striking. While not as durable as a metal headed mace, the baculus could still inflict significant concussion damage to an armored or un-armored opponent. It was a popular weapon among conscripted soldiers because it was a relatively inexpensive weapon and easily obtained. It was common practice for soldiers using a baculus to carve and engrave the wood with pictures and marks recounting battles in which they had fought.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Class of siege engines designed to throw spears and heavy bolts.
Also called a collar. Close-fitting plate protecting the neck, throat, and upper chest.
Also called pummel. A variously shaped counterweight to the sword blade, riveted to the end of the sword tang above' the …
Sickle consisting of a tanged steel head fitted into a wooden handle; fighting style often utilizes two kamas, one in each hand.

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