Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Yatagan

A long knife or short saber that lacks a guard for the hand at the juncture of blade and hilt; usually has a double curve to the edge and a nearly straight back.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Fabric covering for the groin, latterly padded. Its counter­part in armour could be either of mail or, more usually, of plate.
Weapon which improved effectivity vs. heavy armor. Has a wide, short axe attached to a 5-6 ft haft and a sharp spear at…
Full moon
Parrying weapon consisting of a steel ring attached to a handle with two curved blades fitted to either end; outer edges of the ring and the blades…
The hasta was the Roman trusting spear. It was carried by the units called triarii in Republic times. Marius military reforms made the pilum the…

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