Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Compound-Hilt & Complex-Guard

Term for the many forms of hilts in Renaissance and on some late-Medieval swords. Ususally consist of finger-rings, side-rings or ports, a knuckle-bar, and counter-guard or back-guard. Complex-guard may have swept-hilts, ring-hilts, cage-hilts or basket-hilts.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

See arquebus.
Hand-and-a-half long, straight, double-edged sword with a cruciform hilt. Usually 4-4.5 ft long with a weight of 3-4 lbs. The most…
Also court-sword, walking-sword or town-sword. Mostly almost blunt, pointed cane, though some small-swords are pointed…
Wooden club with a double-pronged head.

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