Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Sword

Most common weapon in history. Looks like a big dagger. Consists of a blade and a hilt, which has many detailed parts. Blade is made of metal, except wooden training swords, while hilt may be made of wood, horn, bone or ivory. Comes in almost endless forms.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Ballock dagger
Also kidney dagger. Has a double-egded blade with a fuller in its center. Hilt made of wood, horn or sometimes ivory. Has two kidney shaped…
Battering Ram
A Battering Ram is a large chunk of wood used to knock down castle walls in the Medieval era. With the weight of at least four men behind it, this…
Sword with a serrated edge; hilt is padded and fitted with a spiked pommel. 
Large crossbow bolt. Dalmatia, 14th century.

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