Armour [Armor]

Armour plates
Armour plates
CZ-01.01 - CZ-10.03
Breast plates
Breast plates
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Complete armour
Complete armour
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RU-02.01 - RU-06.04
Horse head plate
Horse head plate
HP-01.01 - HP-01.02
Light-alloy Regalia
Light-alloy Regalia
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Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Also called bascinet, basnet. An open-faced helmet with a globular or conical skull enclosing the sides of…
Jointed weapon consisting of a spiked, flanged or knobbed steel bludgeon chain-attached to a short wood or steel haft.
Lance rest
A support for the lance when couched; this was bolted to the right side of the breastplate and was often hinged.
Also court-sword, walking-sword or town-sword. Mostly almost blunt, pointed cane, though some small-swords are pointed…

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