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MBA Centre

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Poskytujeme služby studentům MBA a LLM studia a to zejména v oblasti zpracování MBA prací, LLM assigmentů, disertačních a diplomových prací diskrétně a prodesionálně, nabízíme i přípravu na zkoušky jak online, tak  formou  face to face školení.

MBA CENTRE je jediný portál, který se zaměřuje především na studenty prestižních MBA a LLM studií.
Tato specializace nám umožňuje poskytovat služby té nejvyšší kvality, které u konkurence nenajdete.

Pro více informací navštivte www.mba-centre.cz

Váš profesionálnní partner při studiu MBA a LMM

Film and Production studio Three Brothers

Three Brothers Production began in 1991, shortly after the Czech Republic (then Czechoslovakia) gained independence from the Soviet Union.   The three Kristof brothers, whose fame in show fencing and fondness of historical weaponry, created the company in response to a large demand for their talents and knowledge.

Focused on creating films exclusively with historical content has allowed the company to become extremely conscience of historical accuracy and continuity.  All aspects of the past are carefully taken into consideration down to the most intricate detail.    

We are a full service production company with executive productions and co-productions.

We executive produce our own projects that usually consist of a historical theme for TV and film.  We have realized more than 16  Czech films.  One of our current projects is The Mammoth Hunters, with a budget of more than 6 million dollars, is currently being produced here in Prague.

We have worked with international and Czech companies to co-produce more than 80 projects for TV including for companies such as: ZDF, ARD, ARTE, BBC, and The Discovery Channel.  Our latest co-production with Czech Television, Little Knights´ Tale, is their largest project in thirty years.

Více na: www.historicalmovie.com

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Long (up to knees or longer) coat of mail with originally long sleeves and later sleeves ending in mail mittens.
Sheath for a sword or dagger. Usually made of thin wood, lined with felt or sheepskin, and covered in leather.
See Two-handed sword.
Battering Ram
A Battering Ram is a large chunk of wood used to knock down castle walls in the Medieval era. With the weight of at least four men behind it, this…

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