Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Schiavona

Special form of a cut & thrust sword with a cage- hilt and distinctive cat-head-like pommel. Mostly single-edged back-swords but also wide or narrow with a double-edged blade. Has a ricasso for the fingering grip or thumb-rings.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Alsocalled berdiche. A pollaxe with a long, slightly curved blade, principally used in north-eastern Europe.
Also prime or fort. Special (Renaissance) term for the lower part of a blade. Does most of the parrying and has more…
Helmet with (usually) a hinged visor and a long tail for protecting the back of the neck. Comes in many forms. In England known as a …
Sword with a serrated edge; hilt is padded and fitted with a spiked pommel. 

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