Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Etching

A decorative process fre­quently applied to the surface of metals especially in Europe from about 1500 onwards; frequently used in conjunction with blueing and gilding.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Falling buffe
Hinged, face part of a helmet. Can be secured by a leather strap and has flexible lames so it can be lowered for better…
Grand guard
A large reinforcing plate designed for the tilt, attached to the left side of the breastplate to cover the left shoulder, the upper arm and…
Defensive article. Has many shapes and sizes. Usually made of wood or metal and a covering such as a leather. Has a handle or several straps to get…
Ox mace
Mace made of metal; head was shaped like that of an ox's and often had holes in the nostrils so that it whistled when swung.

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