Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Bevor

Also called bavier or buffe. A chin-shaped defense for the lower face, incorporating a gorget plate. The buffe was an early six­teenth century variant, worn strapped to an open-faced helmet such as the burgonet. See also fall­ing buffe.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Bellows Visor
A modern term for a visor with horizontal ridges,such as on 'Maximilian' German fluted armours of the early…
Also spelt corselet. A light half- armour popular in the six­teenth century for general military use (for example, for town…
An integral flap of mail attached to the coif in the thirteenth century; it could be drawn across the mouth to protect the lower face.
Phoenician sword with a double-edged, leaf-shaped blade OR straight-bladed Bornean sword with a guardless wooden hilt.

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