Various shields of different shapes and sizes suitable for any children Light-alloy regalia. Shields are very light and precisely made.

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The Shield of Crossed Faith
Price: 40 EUR
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The Shield of Nomad
Price: 42 EUR
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Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Jointed weapon consisting of a spiked, flanged or knobbed steel bludgeon chain-attached to a short wood or steel haft.
Roman throwing spear. Has a small, leaf-shaped head on a long and thin iron part attached to a wooden shaft. Effective vs. …
Also military fork. Consists of two parts - a long haft and a head. Head comes in many forms - most often two parallel or slightly "V"…
Two-handed sword
Also slaughtersword. Special and long (5.5-6 ft) type of a great sword with a very long grip compared to its …

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