Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Hache

Also Bec de Faucon, Pollaxe (misnomer) or Polaxe. Two basic forms – First one has an axe-shaped edged front blade and a hammer head or crooked spike on its back. All is overcome by a long spike (with a rectangular or diamond cross section) from the top of the handle. Second one, usually called Bec de Faucon, has a large front hammer and a spike or curved flute on its back. Both forms have a steel counter-weight or a sharpened buttspike on their ends and are 5-7 or more ft in length.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Plate defence on early medieval helmets, often riveted to the bottom of the skull to cover the nose and middle of the face.
Defensive article. Has many shapes and sizes. Usually made of wood or metal and a covering such as a leather. Has a handle or several straps to get…
Upper end
The hilt part of a sword.
Phoenician sword with a double-edged, leaf-shaped blade OR straight-bladed Bornean sword with a guardless wooden hilt.

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