Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Bec de Faucon

Polearm with a large hammer head instead of an axe, and backed with a spike or curved fluke. Usually has a heavy steel counterweight or a sharpened butt-spike on its end. See also Hache.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Elbow gauntlet
The cuff of this gauntlet reaches the elbow, replac­ing both the lower cannon of the vambrace and the couter.
Long, double- edged, single-handed sword with a thin blade. Designed to emphasize the thrust. Probably the first…
A polearm common to German-speaking areas, particularly used by the Swiss and Habsburgs: the wooden shaft is relatively short, and the weapon is…
Sickle-like tool consisting of a tanged, iron head fitted into a wooden handle. 

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